I built a coffee table with my girlfriend.

Frankly, we stole the idea from another couple that did the exact same thing.

Speaking of the exact same thing, they gave us their leftover lacuer.

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I’m not sponsored by them, so that is why the picture is blurry.

I moved into CAD, as things naturally start.

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It was a “simple” build.


Wood (~18")Local Wood Shop~$50
0.75" Steel BoxtubeYour Local Makerspace?
Spray Painthttps://www.amazon.com/dp/B002BWOS7Q$7
LacquerYour Local Couple?

I hired a professional welder to do the welding Alt Text Alt Text

We painted with one coat, probably will need more in the future. Alt Text

We finished it up! Great (couples) project! Alt Text